The Association AMOR MISSIONS was created with the sole purpose of continuing the work that Jesus did when he was on this earth of TEACHING, PREACHING AND HEALING (Matt. 4:23). Our mission is to teach people to live, in all aspects, an orderly life, preaching the gospel of salvation, and selflessly caring for people in their illnesses. All of this will be conducted in close coordination with the leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (IASD).

Nurse Henrry Camacho

President and Medical Evangelism Director of Amor Missions


Pastor David Acuña

Gospel Evangelism Director and Secretary of Amor Missions


Mauro Pua

Community Development Evangelism Director and Treasurer of Amor Missions


Almiro Araujo

Biblical Instructor and Member of the Amor Missions Association


Edmon Tineo

Member of the Amor Missions Association


Pastor Gloicer Perez 

Member of the Amor Missions Association



Our vision is to constantly be growing in ministry so that we are able to share our successes by the grace of God, our resources, and our experiences for the benefit of the gospel all while supporting the leaders and pastors of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


Our mission is to help as many people as possible to be freed from their spiritual, economic, physical, and social poverties and to become agents of change at the local, regional, and national levels.




The town of Bella Isabel is located in the district Campo Verde, in the province of Coronel Portillo in the department of Ucayali, in the Country of Peru. It has an estimated population of 250 families and 1,100 inhabitants. Most of the inhabitants live in extreme poverty. This marginalized area does not have a good drinking water service or garbage collection. The lack of work and education exasperate the problem among youth who resort to vices such as alcohol and crime. The lowland jungle has a tropical climate. The heat and humidity attracts diseases such as dengue- a leading cause of death in this region. The heavy rains also cause the roofs of these simple homes to fall, flooding the rooms. The Adventist church has a presence in this community with a branch that has about 30 members ranging in age from youth (10 members) to adulthood (20 members). This congregation will be the primary group that will execute the project. AMOR MISSIONS will be motivators of an “awakening” in the church towards the action and participation of the members in the missionary work through the formation and training of the discipleship partners.